This Girl Only Won $1,500 for Sinking a Half-Court Shot During a Gonzaga Game (Video)

That's it?

February 7, 2014

The last time we showed you a video of a Gonzaga fan trying to make a half-court shot to win some cash, it didn't end well. It was back in December 2012 and that fan took a shot that was so bad that you need to go back and watch him take it again to believe it. It was literally the worst half-court shot we've ever seen anyone take.

The shot in the video above was way better than that one. It was taken by a female Gonzaga fan during a recent game, and it actually went in. So the fan who took it won $1,500. Our only beef: Why does Gonzaga only hand out $1,500 to people who hit half-court shots? We know times are tough. But $1500?! The going rate is $20,000, guys! This girl made an amazing shot and deserves to be paid for it.

RELATED: Cheerleader Ashlee Arnau Knocks Down Half-Court Front Flip Shot

[via For The Win]