A College Basketball Coach Commits An NCAA Violation and Blames It On His Pregnant Wife

Enjoy sleeping on the couch tonight, buddy

April 19, 2012
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Tough week to be a college basketball coach!

Earlier today, we told you about the hot water that Wisconsin head coach Bo Ryangot himself into this morning by appearing on a sports talk radio show. Now comes the news that Memphis head coach Josh Pastner might have made an even bigger gaffe on Tuesday night. Apparently, Pastner inadvertently sent out a tweet that read "Tony Parker"—the name of a highly-recruited high school player from Georgia—on the Memphis Tigers Twitter account late Tuesday night. Although he deleted it just moments later, him sending out the tweet with Parker's name is considered an NCAA violation. Coaches aren't allowed to publicly discuss unsigned recruits, so Memphis will have to report the transgression to the NCAA. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, Pastner also offered up a very curious explanation for the tweet: He blamed his pregnant wife for causing him to type "Tony Parker" into Twitter instead of Google.

"My wife was yelling at me because I was on the phone too loud," he told the Memphis Commercial Appeal last night. "I was waking [the couple's infant daughter] up and waking my wife up because I had the TV on. She was complaining that I not only woke my daughter up, but I also woke the baby inside her up because she's pregnant. So I was waking everybody up, I was getting yelled at, and on top of that, I was thinking, 'What's going on with recruiting?' and 'Who am I going to hire?' and I made a mistake."

Yikes. It's one thing to have the NCAA on your ass. But, your wife, too? Someone please direct Pastner to the closest florist. After that explanation, he's gonna need it.

[via The Dagger]

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