Floyd Mayweather Allegedly Had Two of His Employees Beaten Up After He Suspected Them of Stealing Jewelry From Him

This could be bad news for Money May.

March 12, 2014
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Is Floyd Mayweather back in legal trouble? It sure sounds like it.

According to TMZ Sports, Mayweather—who spent time in jail in 2012 for assaulting his ex-girlfriend Josie Harris—allegedly orchestrated the brutal beatdown of two of his employees recently after he suspected the men of stealing jewelry from his home. TMZ reports that the two men were contacted by Mayweather's camp a few weeks ago and asked to meet with Mayweather. But when they arrived, no meeting took place. Instead, they were allegedly attacked by several men who accompanied Mayweather to the meeting place with a variety of weapons and left with broken arms and legs. And those injuries could lead police to investigate Mayweather and his camp for things like attempted murder and kidnapping.

At the moment, no charges have been filed against Mayweather or anyone associated with him. But TMZ reports that both of the men who were beaten have obtained lawyers, which could lead to legal issues for Mayweather sometime in the near future. The details surrounding this story are still very sketchy, though, so stay tuned. We'll be sure to keep you updated with more info on the situation.

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[via TMZ Sports]