Gucci Mane Was Actually Sleeping During His "Spring Breakers" Sex Scene

And that's the take that made it into the film.

March 21, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Fun fact about Gucci Mane's big sex scene in Spring Breakers: according to director Harmony Korine, the rapper/actor who plays a rival drug dealer to James Franco's Alien was actually asleep the entire time it was being filmed.

"In his entourage, everybody smokes weed from the beginning of the day to the end," Korine recalled. "So we’re inside this house in St. Petersburg, and the fucking weed smoke was so insane and Gucci was basically catatonic. I was like, 'Gucci, you’ve got to have sex with this chick now!'...He wanted her to ride him so he wouldn’t have to do any physical labor." Of the girl that was cast as Gucci Mane's love interest, Korine explained to Vulture: "They sent me a clip of this girl walking across the room with three or four Coke cans on her ass, and we cast her, based on that video." Impressive.

The scene worked for a while, according to Korine, until he began hearing snores coming from Gucci Mane. "So we’re shooting the sequence, and as he is getting fucked, I start to hear snores," he explained. "He had literally passed out! And she was riding his dick the whole time. I’d never in my life filmed a sex scene where the dude was sleeping...and she was on top of him for a good 45 minutes."

Gucci Mane did wake up for a moment after the scene though, Korine added: "At the end, he woke up and was like, 'I feel real nice. I feel like Mozart’s on my dick.' And that was it, and he went back to sleep."

And so, cinematic history was made.

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[via Vulture]