10 People You Should Not Listen To On The Internet

You've been warned.

January 26, 2014
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Complex Original

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The Internet is a strange place. It's where people's personal thoughts are broadcasted everywhere, and you'll get the occasional "WTF" tweet when scrolling down your timeline from people you otherwise thought were sane. There's a comforting feeling that what a user says on their page is all right because it's their page: it's their own public (or private) diary. However, there's always two or three people that you disregard on your timeline because they lack authenticity or are just straight up weird. They're either making bizarre sexual innuendos or Googling fake quotes to spread "wisdom" to their followers. Or sometimes their tweets are hilarious, but you'd never take their "advice" and use it in the real world. These are the people to stay away from. Here are 10 People You Should Not Listen To On The Internet.

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Rob Hill Sr.

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I have no idea what Hill's occupation is other than delivering lukewarm tweets about love and life choices that lonely folk gravitate towards and retweet and label as "real" when it's simply just corny. He's the watered-down version of Tony Robbins, or any other life coach for that matter, and while I respect his hustle, it comes off as disingenuous. You can live by his "gems" if you'd like, but any man who posts fake-deep tweetgrams is automatically spam in my book.

Ann Coulter

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Quite possibly the most hated woman on the Internet, the woman is batshit crazy and takes no prisoners. I believe that most of her tweets are strictly shock value created to draw attention to herself and her brand (see: the Obama-directed "retard" tweet) but her ignorance is so organic and natural, it's impossible to ignore, which makes it that much more infuriating. Just do the right thing and hit the "block" button to spare yourself the frustration.


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The Fast & Furious star might actually be a decent guy in real life, but his questionable stream of tweets makes him look like a certifiable cornball in the virtual world. Tweets like "Spreading chocolate....from Dubai" have so many open interpretations and none of them sound appealing. Not to mention, his username is Vision Implementer which is as fake-deep as it gets.


Jaden Smith

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Some might mistake his otherworldly tweets as prophetic. I'm not buying it. His feed includes some of the strangest thoughts we've ever seen on Twitter from a celebrity, including his affinity for blue trees (not weed) and mirrors not being real because our eyes are not real ... apparently. What a troll. Also: this.

Gary Busey

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Doctors believe that a 1988 near-fatal motorcycle accident left Busey with a fractured skull and partial brain damage. His chronic drug use which was heavily documented on VH1's Celebrity Rehab as psychiatrist Dr. Charles Sophy suspected that Busey's brain injury was more severe than expected, and caused him to speak and act instinctively. So we're saying to ignore his Twitter antics, and take them with a grain of salt.


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The Florida rapper is so great at tweeting, he deserves his own book publishing deal. It would sell millions. He has a knack for sending tweets that you're too afraid to for the sake of losing your girl, your job, or both. If you tell your girlfriend that you want to "paint" her—which in Plies dictionary could mean a multitude of things—you're walking a risky line. You can favorite his tweets, just don't abide by them.

Justin Bieber

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Biebs has been in deep trouble with the law as of late, so I'd imagine his recreational time on the interwebs in the near future will be diminished. However, his Twitter feed is pretty mundane. It usually consists of the megastar retweeting random Beliebers, Instagram pictures, and videos of him skateboarding (and failing), or promoting his music through a barrage of direct hashtags and smart URL links. However, his worst act was tweeting that he was "retiring," breaking the hearts of millions of tweens. His manager Scooter Braun later jokingly dismissed the remarks, stating that Bieber is just "taking a break" to relax, but seeing pictures of teenagers slicing their wrists isn't a sight that I'll forget anytime soon.

Lil Wayne

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What is there to say about Wayne that hasn't been said already? He's enigmatic, part-schizo and flat-out entertaining. It's also these same attributes that make him a complete nutcase, especially when discussing professional sports on Twitter.

First he was a Saints fan; now, he reps the Packers. Then, in the 2011 NBA Finals, Wayne and Birdman put down a $2 million bet that the Miami Heat would beat the Dallas Mavericks. They didn't, and Wayne was seen stuntin' with his daddy in Club LIV while celebrating with Dallas—even though he's a Lakers fan. Then last year, footage leaked of him disparaging the Heat, yelling "F*ck the Miami Heat and LeBron!" and also claiming that he slept with Chris Bosh's wife. A couple days later during an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, he rescinded the comments regarding Bosh's wife, stating that he was "too turned up that night". Starting to see the trend?


Jose Canseco

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Previously known for his towering home runs as an outfielder for the Oakland Athletics and Toronto Blue Jays, Jose Canseco has been regulated to many as an outsider who snitched on baseball's most revered figures about their steroid usage in the sport's golden era. Stars such as Alex Rodriguez, Jason Giambi and Canseco's fellow "Bash Brother" Mark McGwire were prominent targets of Canseco's wrath. He was shunned by both media and fans alike, but for as douchey as he might appear, the man was right, as each one in the following years admitted to using steroids during their playing career.

However, the guy is a walking nutcase on the Internet. He got pulled over with goats in his car (yes, goats) and took a picture of it for the world to see. And he's often lying about how he's hit baseballs 600 feet, and seeing aliens, while simultaneously ranting about Bud Selig's legacy. He might've been right once, but that doesn't mean I have to keep listening.


Donald Trump

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Most of the time, he tries to come off as inspirational and stimulating, when he's really just being an asshole. He tweets quotes from Mike Ditka and Henry Ford, and loves to retweet those who call him a genius even though we don't need to be reminded of how savvy of a businessman he is. And who can forget about Trump attacking Mac Miller on Twitter after the rapper used Trump's name for a song title.