The A-Hole Strategy Guide to "Call of Duty: Black Ops"

December 1, 2010
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The A-Hole Strategy Guide to "Call of Duty: Black Ops"

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In any video game with a robust multiplayer community, there are a wide variety of troublemakers. You've got your team-killing griefers, your glitchers, your boosters, your incessant screamers of racist and homophobic epithets—all of which qualify to be reported for some swift banhammer action. Then you've got a huge population of people who play in a way that might be legal, but still feels somehow unfair. Some like to call them noobs, but let's just call them a-holes. Every time you get killed by one of these a-holes using their a-hole methods, you feel a torrent of rage coursing through your dilated veins that can only be slowed bys—well, by using those same methods. Yeah, it's cheap, but it makes you feel better. The problem is, now you're an a-hole too! So in the spirit of "if you can't beat ’em, join ’em," we present to you five ways to beat the a-holes at their own game in Call of Duty: Black Ops. If you're too high and mighty to stoop to these, we understand...but we'll choose to understand from behind the turret of a chopper gunner.

Killstreak Kingpin


Killstreak Kingpin

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Power Launcher


Power Launcher

Complex Says:Black OpsCOD 4MW2Black Ops

Revival Junkie


Revival Junkie

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Set Up A Corner Office


Set Up A Corner Office

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Care Package Killer


Care Package Killer

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