President Obama to Lose West Virginia Delegates to Inmate


May 10, 2012
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

As a ridiculous testament to how unpopular President Barack Obama is in some parts of the U.S., he had a stupidly close run in the West Virginia Democratic Primary yesterday to Keith Judd. Judd is better known as federal prison inmate number 11593-051, currently serving a 210 month sentence at Beaumont Federal Correctional Institution in Texas for extortion and making threats at the University of New Mexico back in 1999.

96 percent of the precincts reported Tuesday night that Judd had won 41 percent of the vote and ten counties. State and Democratic Party rules grant Judd at least one delegate from West Virginia for the Democratic National Convention because he received 15 percent of the vote.

This fuckery can be attributed to votes against Obama rather than for Judd. West Virginia has a history of this sort of thing: Primary exit polls discovered that 20 percent of white voters in the state listed race as their deciding factor for supporting Hilary Clinton back in 2008.

Really, though? Think for a second West Virginia: You’d rather support a convicted criminal than the incumbent? Who hurt you?

[via BuzzFeed]

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