Really? Muscle March's Absurd Promotional Campaign

When video game PR goes bad, this is what happens.

February 4, 2010
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Every industry has its public-relations wing: the people who think of ways to get press attention for the product their employers are selling. Sometimes those ways are awesome, and sometimes they are not. And sometimes, like today, we receive something that's so amazingly not awesome—or at least is awesome in a way that we are totally unfamiliar with—that we have to share it with you.

To promote the Wii game Muscle March (now available for download through WiiWare!), in which gamers get "the opportunity to step into form-fitting briefs as one of seven bodybuilding personas from around the world," Namco Bandai sent us a fake tub of protein emblazoned with a drawing of an enormous shirtless bald man wearing what we can only describe as '50s sci-fi-movie glasses. But that's not all! Read on to see how they managed to one-up it...

Because you know you wanted a better view...

Why yes, that is a pair of Speedos "form-fitting briefs" with the Muscle March logo printed on the ass. Will we wear it to the Rockaways? Hell yeah we will! Come see us in our Muscle March Speedo, son!