Police Shoot Suspect in Front of Trayvon Martin Mural

A police-involved shooting in Baltimore took place directly in front of a Trayvon Martin mural.

February 22, 2015

Image via Twitter


Police officers shot a suspect in Baltimore on Sunday, and while details are still scarce on exactly what happened, a mural near the scene of the shooting created a dramatic photograph that a Baltimore Sun reporter and others tweeted.


The mural in the background is a tribute to Trayvon Martin, the unarmed Florida teenager who was shot to death by a neighborhood watch member in 2012.

There's no word on why officers shot the suspect in Baltimore. According to a report from the Baltimore Spectator, police say the shooting occurred during a traffic stop and that the suspect was tasered before the shooting. That suspect was taken to the hospital, according to the Baltimore PD's Twitter, but there was no update on their condition.

[Via Gawker]