Complex Summer Vacation: Canvassing the World (Episode 1)

Complex News is getting out of the office and enjoying summer vacation with Adobe and three globetrotting visual artists. Join us as we travel the world!

June 16, 2015
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Summer vacation is that small window that opens every year giving you the chance to get out, have fun, and indulge in a few life-altering experiences. No, not those kind of experiences...well, actually, maybe. Look, you know what we mean.

At Complex, we're strong advocates for summer getaways (any reason to leave the office, let's be real). So it only made sense for us to link up with the folks from Adobe to travel to some of the world's most beautiful and unique locations. We hit up White Sands National Monument in New Mexico, an abandoned graffiti-covered brewery in Berlin, and the forests of southern Japan as part of our five-part series that captures visual artists stepping out of their studios and into a new environment for new inspiration.

Utilizing Adobe's new Creative Cloud apps, each artist—Shawna X, David Mascha, and Takehiro Tobinaga—used elements of the world around them to develop a piece of visual art that was deeply connected to their travel experience. And we got to kick it with them while exploring these amazing areas.

Stay tuned for the rest of the series, and make sure to find some time to step out the house this summer!
