UPDATE: Amanda Bynes Arrested in Los Angeles for Driving Under the Influence of Adderall

Amanda Bynes was arrested early this morning in Los Angeles by the California Highway Patrol.

September 30, 2014
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It’s been all quiet for quite a while in the once-flourishing Amanda Bynes story mill, but the troubled actress has once again popped up in the news for something not good.

After moving back home with her parents to get her life in order, the 28-year-old was arrested early this morning by the California Highway Patrol. The reason for her arrest are unclear as of now, but TMZ is reporting that she was booked on a misdemeanor charge of some sort and was just released from custody moments ago.

We’ll provide updates as we get them, but this is certainly a disappointing development for Bynes, who had seemed like she was finally getting her life back on track.

UPDATE: E! is reporting that the arrest was for DUI. Police have said that she "was under the influence of a controlled substance," and will now have to return to court on October 23. How this arrest affects her probation stemming from a 2012 DUI arrest remains to be seen, but it sure doesn't sound good.

UPDATE 2: TMZ reports that the "controlled substance" in question was Adderall, for which Bynes had a prescription. While she was reportedly "out of it" when she was arrested and was clearly impaired, the fact that she was allowed to have the medicine at all should help her next month when she appears before a judge.

[via TMZ]