Crazy High Speed Instagram Shots of Airborne Objects by Manon Wethly

Ignore your mom and play with your food.

May 14, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

There are a lot of useless pictures on Instagram, for which we are all guilty. This set by Belgium-based photographer Manon Wethly is actually worth viewing. Wethly took a simply idea and made it awesome: throwing 'stuff' in the air and taking photos of it mid-flight. There are cool liquid shots of milk, coffee, wine, and shots of other things like flowers, ice, and flip-flops, all with beautiful blue skies as backdrops.

While the idea is simple, getting these shots is not. Flying things can be pretty unpredicatable and getting the timing right takes practice. Check out some of the shots and maybe try it out (we do not assume responsibility for the injuries or damage that you cause).

[via PetaPixel]

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