Batman Prequel "Gotham" Will Be Cop Noir Amid Chaos and Urban Decay

Creators of the Batman prequel series Gotham say the show will be a cop noir and Batman will not appear.

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Don't hold out hope of ever seeing Batman on the the new Batman prequel series Gotham

Although we already kind of knew that, the series' creator Bruno Heller gave a definitive "no" at the TCA press tour today when asked if we'll see young Bruce Wayne become the Dark Knight. 

What we will see is lots of not-yet-commissioner Jim Gordon as a cop in the gloomy city as it "falls in disrepair and total anarchy," Ben McKenzie, who plays Gordon, told reporters at the show's panel. 

Heller said, "This is noir. ...  The notion is that our hero is doomed. Gotham is as much about the hope and struggle that everyday people are engaged in, it’s not about superheroes." He also said if there's anything close to a superhero on the show it's the city itself. 

The executive producer compared the Gotham of the series to New York in the 1970s, a time when the nation's biggest city was nearly bankrupt, graffiti-covered and sketchy as hell (some might say more exciting, too). Heller also said that 1970s films helped him create the look for the series. 

Among the other familiar characters we will see on Season One are the people who will eventually become Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman and the Joker. 

A new villain played by Jada Pinkett Smith will be named Fish Mooney. Heller teased to the possibility that Fish Mooney could turn out to be another character from the Batman mythology, but didn't get specific. 

"Gotham" is scheduled to premiere Sept. 22 on Fox.

Here's the trailer, in case you haven't seen it yet:


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[Via Deadline]

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