Are New Yorkers Too Poor to Afford Cocaine?



Is the economy messing with drug habits? According to info from NYU, that may be the case. Or something like that.

Data from NYU’s Langone Center of Excellence on Addictionindicates a drop in the number of cocaine overdoses, as well as the number of people heading to rehab for addiction. In 2006, there were 9,654 people in rehab for cocaineaddiction and 478 coke-related deaths. Last year, numbers were down to 7,693 and 274.

So, of course, this must mean that they’re doing less coke in the Rotten Apple because they can’t afford it…right? Not buying it, no pun intended. The drug game is a recession-proof business, and if anything, the struggling economy has led to people dabbling into other vices in addition to cocaine. People might not be able to afford rehab, but they can afford the drugs.

Maybe people are just getting better at maintaining their addictions.


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