Woman XXXTentacion Punched in Video Was 'Terrified' to Come Forward

A video surfaced on Tuesday where XXXTentacion is seen hitting a woman across the head.

The woman whom XXXTentacionsmacked on the head in a video has spoken out. On Tuesday, she took to Instagram to share the video, with the caption, “tHeY wErE jUsT pLaYiNg.”

She later responded to a person who commented on the video, and confessed that she wasn’t admitting that they were playing around in the video.

She confirmed her point of view with another post that read, “For those who are questioning why I didn't come forth earlier was because I was terrified for my life...Imagine someone doing that to u unprovoked? At 16? Let alone the people he associates himself w/? Truth of the matter is I would still be holding on to this secret if it wasn't leaked.” She also posted the message to her Instagram story.

Another note read, “So stop w/ the ‘clout chasing’ bullshit, I wasn’t the one to originally leak the video.”

She followed both messages with a screenshot of a conversation she was having on her Instagram DMs, where she discussed how someone named “Jit” gave her scars on her face. The person she’s speaking with asked, “Bre, why u doing that,” and “don’t destroy da man smh.” She responded, “Remember when Jit had me walking around looking like 21 savage w/ scars on my face?”

'Jit' is Florida slang for dude, though it can be used disrespectfully too.

The video surfaced online on Tuesday. You can see X dancing behind the girl, then hitting her on the side of the head right before the camera cuts.

TMZ reported that prosecutors on X’s domestic violence case are studying the footage, which appears to be old, given his hairstyle. His lawyers released a statement on Tuesday: “The actors in this video are obviously friends, and also obviously acting in jest. You should be also aware that we are advised that the woman in the video has been located and has admitted that that activity depicted was a 'joke' and not an 'assault,' something that can easily be determined from watching it.”

X was released from jail in December and subsequently put on house arrest. However, his lawyers argued that because of his travel restrictions, he wasn’t able to perform, and his finances were suffering; X was later released from house arrest on March 21 to go on tour. It’s not clear how the video will impact X’s case.

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