Opening Ceremony And...J.Press?

August 20, 2012
Not Available Lead
Complex Original

Image via Complex Original


We're scratching our heads too. First J. Press got in bed with Urban Outfitters a couple of years back, producing an ill-styled collaboration that made anyone who cared about men's clothing cringe. Then there was the much more sensible partnership with Ovadia & Sons announced earlier this year, whose younger and modern aesthetic is more in line with the storied American clothier. Now J.Press has once again flipped the script and pulled together a capsule collection with Opening Ceremony, the avante-garde boutique that's curated with basically every "cool" brand ever. Yeah, I just said "avante-garde" AND "curated" without possessing a master's in art history so let this be a reminder that the world is, indeed, your oyster, guys. The highlight of this incongruous collaboration is undoubtedly the camo patchwork pants. The print has been dominating the street style circuit for years now and it's always refreshing to see new interpretations of a pattern that's seemingly stuck between the limbo of trendy and classic. The collection can be found at OC's New York and Japan stores and their London pop-up.
