This Building is Craze: Soumaya Museum (Mexico City)

The richest man in the world, Carlos Slim, just finished a museum in honor of his late wife. It holds his personal collection, valued at close to $1 billion, and the building is something else.

April 4, 2011
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

The richest man in the world, Carlos Slim Helu has quite the art collection. And now, Mr. Slim also has quite the museum to hold his 66,000 pieces. The Soumaya Museum in Mexico City opened up last week, a $70 million building designed by Slim's son-in-law Fernando Romero. The building is awesome in presence and design, and worth a cab ride from anywhere in the city. Since Mr. Slim is also a man of means, entry to the museum is free. Get there and go for a walk up the Gugenheim-esque pathway through six floors of work, it's worth every step.
[Museo Soumaya]