Damn Daniel Was Offered a Modeling Contract, But Turned It Down

Damn Daniel has other plans.

February 26, 2016

The "Damn Daniel" video has completely taken over the Internet this week, making its star Daniel Lara a viral sensation. Lara even appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show with the video's co-creator Josh Holz and was gifted a lifetime supply of Vans. But, it looks like the California high schooler isn't taking advantage of every opportunity coming his way thanks to his newfound fame. A friend of his told Hollywood Life that Lara has turned down an offer from a modeling agency, so that he can pursue his college swimming scholarship. He goes on to say that the teen has remained incredibly modest, despite the video being shared over 400,000 times.

Honestly, no one can blame him for wanting to rock his white Vans out of the spotlight. Holz got a taste of what fame can do earlier this week when a SWAT team showed up to his house after someone called in a fake crime.

At least we will always have this video.
