25 People Who Shouldn't Be Tweeting and Driving

Accidents just waiting to happen.

September 5, 2013
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Complex Original

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Tweeting and driving is just as bad as texting and driving. We know the PSAs specifically say "texting," but don't be an asshole and get caught up on semantics. Hopping on Twitter to share your (probably) meaningless observation is just as destracting as sharing your (probably) meaningless observation with just one person.

When the paramedics are plucking your teeth out of the steering wheel, it won't matter which means of communication caused you to murk yourself. If you're laughing at how painfully obvious this is, just wait until you see these tweets. It's frightening how many people shamelessly share that they're driving distracted. Shake your head at 25 People Who Shouldn't Be Tweeting and Driving.

RELATED: The 25 Craziest Road Rage Tweets of the Week
RELATED: 25 Insane Road Rage GIFs


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Intelligence is overrated.


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Lauren knows who the real idiots are.


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He's the reason why little Jimmy will spend the rest of his life believing his dog is vacationing out in the country.


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Drugs don't kill people. Drugs, driving, and tweeting kill people.


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"Don't worry, officer. I wasn't sending a message to one person. I was sending it to my followers. It's totally different."


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Sporty is not the right adjective. Stupid, reckless, and irresponsible: those are perfect.


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Yeah, those people are monsters. Good thing there was an angel to inform us of those dangerous drivers ASAP.


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We'll pray for you to make better decisions.


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Can't forget the smiley face.


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Some people are just completely oblivious to warning signs.


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So like the worst possible times. Is he going to lose his job or his life first?


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We'll tell you what's up: your risk of hurting yourself or, even worse, someone else.


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Give us that Beemer and we promise to drive it much more responsibly.


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Using google maps to find a gas station would be much more productive.


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She didn't say anything about AIM. Is that still fair game?


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In case you forgot why YOLO is the worst.


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How exactly does being hungry excuse this?


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Jade, I think you should know that what you're doing is extremely dangerous.


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Right, the redneck is totally the problem. Not you.


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At least she took a break from one social media distraction for another. Do you think she pinned something about tweeting while driving, or would that be too meta?


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Ah, the great question: do you want to know how you're going to die?


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If she didn't fold the slice in half, her offense is twice as egregious.


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Finally, some justice.