25 Examples Of Video Game Cosplay Fails

When coming in last just isn't enough.

April 15, 2013
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Complex Original

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We've never been strangers to the artistry of cosplay, especially when it's done right. Like everything else, there are the times when cosplay goes terribly wrong. Dressing up as controversial characters, using plastic garbage bags and drawing details on costumes with cheap magic markers are all fast ways to get onto a worst cosplayer list. We've found the worst and you've got to see these 25 Examples Of Video Game Cosplay Fails.

RELATED: 15 Amazingly Awesome 2013 Lara Croft Cosplayers

RELATED: 100 Cosplayers From San Diego Comic-Con 2012, (Part 1)

RELATED: 100 Awesome Cosplayers From PAX East 2012 (Part 1)

Show That Lunch Who's Boss

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Character: Zangief
Video Game: Street Fighter

The Russian bear-wrestler has really let himself go. We don't remember Zangief having a Rick Ross-like beard either.

He'll Take Your Eye Out Kid

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Character: Tifa Lockheart
Video Game: Final Fantasy

The attention to detail on Tifa's high-beams are on point but that's about it. Maybe if the shirt was cleaner and dude ran a razor over his legs?

Box Blocked

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Character: L-Block
Video Game: Tetris

Not one of our favorite Tetris pieces by a long shot. If this cosplayer was one of the "T" or straight pieces, then it would be a perfect fit.

Tough Times For Spartans

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Character: Red Spartan
Video Game: Halo

The Warthog truck must be in the shop.

Sora Losers

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Character: Sora
Video Game: Kingdom Hearts

Is Sora wearing an apron?

No One Put A Ring On It

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Character: Sonic The Hedgehog
Video Game: Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic looks like he's hit some hard times. At least he'll be quick with delivering pizzas.

The Creepiest Mario Ever

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Character: Mario
Video Game: Super Mario Bros.

One would assume that meeting Mario would be an exciting moment. That is until Mario shows up looking deformed and acting like he has an unmarked van parked outside.

Aran Wrap

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Character: Samus Aran
Video Game: Metroid

It would be nice to just say this person tried but not really.

This Pikachu Will Never Get Chosen

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Character: Pikachu
Video Game: Pokemon

If Pikachu was real, he'd shock this guy faster than a rookie cop with a new Taser.

No More-Again

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Character: Morrigan
Video Game: Darkstalkers

It shouldn't be that difficult to pull off a convincing Morrigan but when you're dealing with tiny bat wings and tan lines on a vampire. You'd start to wonder.

Which Box?

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Character: Solid Snake
Video Game: Metal Gear Solid

The cardboard box by itself would've been fine. We really didn't need to be told where its from. There aren't a lot of video games that feature a man in camo with a cardboard box on his head.

Mega Low Budget

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Character: Mega Man
Video Game: Mega Man

Towels and empty water cooler jugs? Why not just stuff a blue hoodie with newspaper?

They're Like An Old Married Couple

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Character: Master Chief and Cortana
Video Game: Halo

These two got a little too comfortable on all those Halo merchandising checks.

Round Two!

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Character: Mai Shiranui
Video Game: Fatal Fury

Yes, this is completely ridiculous but probably more accurate than what we think. A shave would've made this a winner.

Sorry, Lu Lose

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Character: Lulu
Video Game: Final Fantasy X

Holding a plush Moogle doesn't ease our fear of having our souls sucked out of our bodies.

No Princess Is Safe

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Character: Link
Video Game: The Legend Of Zelda

We remember Link's pants being a lot tighter than the ones in this pic. He also didn't look like a cast member of Locked Up Raw.

The Force Unused

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Character: Storm Troopers
Video Game: Lego Star Wars

Cool game, cute joke,costumes fail.

Lara From The Projects

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Character: Lara Croft
Video Game: Tomb Raider

We can't tell if that's a curtain to block off another room or if its hanging in a shower.

God Of Fail

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Character: Kratos
Video Game: God Of War

The last time we saw Kratos he was in a bit more shape and he wasn't wearing one of those gadget holding kilts either.

The Rarest Pokemon Of All

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Character: Jynx
Video Game: Pokemon

Who would've known that the Ku Klux Klan started cosplaying at rallies?

Stop Dog Fighting Now

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Character: Blanka
Video Game: Street Fighter

PETA has beef with Assassin's Creed 4's whale hunting when they should track down the person who humiliated this poor little guy.

Dance Fever

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Character: Dance Pad
Video Game: Dance Dance Revolution

It sure took a lot of thought and imagination to come up with wearing the dance pad from the video game.

A Creeper's Nightmare

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Character: Creeper
Video Game: Minecraft

If only everything was at least the same shade of green.

Big Dud-dy

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Character: Big Daddy
Video Game: BioShock

We can forgive the horrible leg designs but what in the world is that white thing behide the Big Daddy helmet?