The A-Hole Strategy Guide: Battlefield Bad Company 2

Because even though BFBC2 rewards teamwork, nothing beats selfishness. Or so playing with these douches has led us to believe.

April 6, 2010
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

We love Battlefield Bad Company 2. Love love love om nom nom it. Something about running around as a medic with those defib paddles or fixing up tanks as engineers—and still blowing people away—just makes us feel complete. It's like we're a boon to society, instead of just people suckling on the teat of broadband connectivity and developing carpal tunnel from various unproductive habits that may or may not include both repetitive button-mashing and self-pleasure. That being said, though, BFBC2 isn't perfect. How could it be? It involves people trying to outdo each other with the bonus of being able to do it under cover of anonymity. And that, our friends, is how a-holes are born.

As a follow-up to our strategy guide to the king of the a-hole games, we're offering you the rare chance to put down the tools of usefulness (repair tools, health packs, motion detectors, mortar strikes—anything that helps the team, really) and pick up the implements of wanton destruction and a-holery that other a-holes have already learned how to use. Now go out there and BE! AN ASSHOLE! B-E AN ASSHOLE! Sorry, we were cheerleaders in high school.

RUSH + MASS SUICIDE = WIN? • We're still not exactly sure what's going on here, but that shit looks glitchy as hell. At least it's still better then unlimited care packages or running from Harrier strikes every 15 fucking seconds.