25 Great Dillinja Tracks That You Slept On

Dillinja is one of the greatest producers to ever hit the drum & bass scene. He's a scientist when it comes to manipulating bass, going as far as to c

May 3, 2013
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Dillinja is one of the greatest producers to ever hit the drum & bass scene. He's a scientist when it comes to manipulating bass, going as far as to creating his own sound system to house the immense tones that he was crafting in his studio. Dillinja inspired many producers with his early output, with tracks like "The Angels Fell" and "Amoured D" being seen as staples within the emerging dnb scene at the time. Something happened around the late 1990s, though: Listeners started to pull away from Dillinja's sound.

It could be a number of factors: Dillinja definitely strayed from the style of "The Angels Fell," primarily due to his experimentation with deeper bass, and the changes in tempo of drum & bass at the time. He also crafted a number of dancefloor smashers that left a lot of purists confused and/or upset with the progression of his music, including tracks like "Twist 'Em Out" and "Fast Car." The problem was, Dillinja was still creating some sick tracks - junglists would immediately discredit them, many times without listening.

DAD's feels like we understood where Dillinja was going, and loved hearing him express himself via his tracks. These 25 tracks are a mixture of bangers that you should have heard, but didn't give proper recognition to. From originals as Dillinja (or under his guises Capone or Trinity) to a few remixes, these tracks help paint a better picture of Dillinja's progression as a producer. Oddly enough, they span from 2001 to 2010. His output has slowed down immensely, and we're still waiting for his next album, but for now, let's look back and really see Dillinja for the drum & bass auteur that he is.

Capone - "Three Drops"

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Label: Chronic

Year: 2001

Dillinja assumed his Capone moniker and delivering, well, three drops in one track. The progression is key: The first drop is pretty straight forward, with the second adding a slick variation to the bass, with the third going deeper, and adding some wild elements. Almost like Dillinja couldn't pick one bassline for the track, and figured he'd give us three for the price of one.

Dillinja - "B-Bop VIP"

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Label: Valve Recordings

Year: 2002

The original "Human B-Bop" wasn't bad, but it also wasn't this beastly. Taken from Dillinja and Lemon D's Big Bad Bass album, this track starts off with that infectious piano along with a number of Dillinja vocal elements. You're going to want to wait for the way he freaks the bassline towards the end, though; thing of dirty beauty.

Dillinja - "It Ain't Too Loud"

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Label: Valve Recordings

Year: 2002

Dillinja straight talks to you on this one, letting you know that you've not heard proper bass before letting you know which cities in the UK he has rinsed, or will be rinsing soon. The churning bassline in this one is so deep, you might blow an inferior sub woofer if you play this one too loud. It' ain't too loud, it's just that your kit is the shits.

Dillinja - "Thugged Out B***h"

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Label: Valvbe Recordings

Year: 2002

Dillinja has a few tunes that worked in a knocking 4x4 kick underneath, giving the tracks a bouncy shuffle. The "thugged out bitch" vocal in this one is unforgettable, and once this one gets going, the entire club better be jumping.

Trinity - "Picture On The Wall"

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Label: V Recordings

Year: 2002

Dillinja was great at these long, drawn-out intros, and the soothing "got your picture on my wall" vocal over those synths is beautiful. This one isn't about one disgusting bassline, but the progression of the sounds. Really call-and-response with the way he freaked it.

Dillinja - "Crunch"

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Label: Valve Recordings
Year: 2003

The grunts in the intro spell everything out early, and this roller is aggressive. How he pulled off the meatiness and crispiness of the drums at the same damn time escapes me, but that CRUNCH is so vital.

Dillinja - "Good Girl"

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Label: Valve Recordings

Year: 2003

For a stretch in the early 2000s, Dillinja was utilizing sung vocals more, especially in his intros. We've never known where the inspiration for this particular lyric came from; maybe the track is the girl, and she starts out good then turns into a monster when the bass kicks? The amen accents in this one work wonders for bringing intensity to the tune.

Dillinja - "This Is A Warning"

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Label: Valve Recordings

Year: 2003

There's a lot going on in "This Is A Warning," from the tightness of those shuffle drums to the way the track morphs from those rave-y Dillinja stabs into the deep, hypnotic subs. The Valve Sound System has never hit our neck of the woods, but we imagine they'd need to start every set with this tune in particular. Anthemic.

Dillinja - "All the Things"

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Label: Valve Recordings

Year: 2004

Dillinja definitely got his Maxwell on in the intro, lulling you in before the gutpunch of hyperspeed drums and thumping bass hits you. The way he worked the sung vocal into the track is key as well.

Dillinja - "Gangbang"

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Label: Valve Recordings
Year: 2004

This is one of those tracks that we imagine was initially just an experiment in how warped and twisted he could make his bass sound. Not even sure how to describe what he did to the bass - sounds like the lower registers of a beastly android being beaten into submission. It's hypnotic, especially during the breakdown when there are no drums worked in. Almost depressing.

SOme people prefer this VIP version, which Andy C has played a lot but never actually received a release:

Dillinja - "Forsaken Dreams"

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Label: Valve Recordings
Year: 2004

He wants you, baby. Weaving the "la-la" section into a track was impressive, especially once he responds with that enormous bass kick. This is one to really get lost in.

Dillinja - "Rainforest"

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Label: Valve Recordings

Year: 2004

Didn't think that a soulful guitar loop could work well with Dillinja's signature heavy bass/noisey drum combo? Now don't you feel silly?

Distorted Minds - "T-10 (Dillinja Remix)"

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Label: Kaos Recordings

Year: 2004

"T-10," despite any controversy, was still a pretty anthemic track. This was made during a particularly fruitful remix run for Dillinja, and similar to "Three Drops," he has a number of takes on this track. So many that, at almost six minutes, he wasted no time, geting into the first drop a little more than 30 seconds in. Just peep how he adds on with each new movement.

Dynamite MC - "Ride (Dillinja Remix)"

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Label: Ultimate Dilemma

Year: 2004

The original "Ride" was produced by High Contrast, but Dillinja added some special herbs and spices to the mix, letting the "world of Dynamite" shine through while hitting you with all kinds of whirlwind movements of bass.

Fresh ft. Adam F - "When The Sun Goes Down (Dillinja Remix)"

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Label: Breakbeat Kaos
Year: 2004

Sadly, the intro on this one isn't on the YouTube clip, so you don't get the full effect, but he really plays the yin and yang, giving you the more seductive, serene vibe before hitting you with the cavalcade of drums and that thick bass. This one is damn near perfect.

Trinity - "Foxy Lady"

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Label: Chronic

Year: 2004

Tracks like this are damn-near atypical for Dillinja. "Foxy Lady" is really all about him drawing that beautiful loop to the front, throwing in dashes of his sampled vox and tight drums underneath. No messing about, just a solid track.

Capone - "Stylebaby"

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Label: Test Recordings

Year: 2005

One word that might best describe Dillinja is "style," even if it's a grip of unrelenting bass blasts smack you in the chest. Tough drums back it up, giving you no room for a breath.

Dillinja - "Feel My Pain"

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Label: Valve Recordings

Year: 2005

And Dilly's back with the somber string-driven intro, coupled with some of his own singing. He's back with the call-and-response bass, letting the low-end wash over you. Once you get going, this is nothing but high energy.

Dillinja - "96 Thing"

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Label: Valve Recordings Test Recordings Beatz

Year: 2006

The intro in this one might make you think you're back in the jungle era (based on the lyrics), but this one was pure 2006 Dillinja. He must have been feeling reflective, talking about being "back at the Blue," and the synth washes might make you feel that, but you're thrown right into now once those kicks come in. Another huge tune for the Dillinja Anthem pile.

Dillinja - "Basscone"

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Label: Valve Recordings Test Recordings Beatz

Year: 2006

"Basscone" plays straight for the piece of the speaker it's named after. Another example of how the 4x4 adds a sense of urgency to Dillinja's production, giving everything a much-needed bounce.

Dillinja - "Electro Boogie"

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Label: Valve Recordings Test Recordgins Beatz

Year: 2006

The flipside of "96 Thing," "Electro Boogie" pays homage to the old school electro days, just check out the sly nods in the drums. We can't imagine old school breakdancers freaking to this, but it's a great nod to the days of old.

Dillinja - "Expansions"

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Label: Valve Recordings, Test Recordings Beatz

Year: 2006

Bass, bass, and more bass. The interaction between the drums and that bassline is what makes this track. They are snaking around each other not letting the other get away. Playful, deep funk.

Dillinja - "Lovechild"

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Label: Valve Recordings

Year: 2009

There's a bit of inspiration behind the title of this track (and the vocal sample that's through it), but DAD won't divulge all of that. Just know that there's more to Dillinja than making big tunes that will knock in the club. And trust, this one will definitely knock in the club.

Dillinja - "Shiners"

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Label: Valve Recordings

Year: 2009

Lately, Dillinja has been teasing this track with the classic "Acid Trak" (including this mix, about 34:41 in) and the parallel between the older, more chinstroking sound and this no nonsense explosive style is uncanny. Another one where bass digs deep into your chest, not allowing you to do much more than let it move you.

Capone - "On The Wheels"

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Label: Test Recordings

Year: 2010

Dillinja's got a thing for those bright melodies as of late, setting you up for the depth charge. When this one drops, the entire floor opens up, making you sink deeper into the depths of bass. Proper call-to-arms here.