Lecturing Gorilla Is the Next Great American Meme

New meme alert.

June 26, 2017

Chances are you saw the crowd-addressing gorilla above all over your timeline this weekend. The photo, which was originally taken during the Los Angeles Zoo's Roaring Night event last week, was quickly repurposed into a hilarious meme spanning everything from the unsettling firing of FBI Director James Comey to a potential Ted Talks offshoot.

The memery apparently kicked off with an inevitable Harambe reference, which inspired others on Twitter to imagine what else this gorilla might be telling the clearly captivated audience:

Given that the gorilla's hands are seemingly affixed in a pontification pose, the jokes were plentiful:


Uproxx has since dubbed this creation the Ted Talk Gorilla. Also, experts presumably agree that this gorilla meme is way better than that other gorilla meme involving a pool and dancing and whatnot.

The Roaring Nights meme factory is the L.A. Zoo’s summer music series, featuring live performances and "special animal encounters." For those over the age of 21, drinks of the fun variety can be purchased and enjoyed. Drinking, it’s been said, really helps you see the memes.

For the uninitiated, the @LAZoo Twitter account is routinely good at producing potential memes without putting in very much effort: