Look, it's almost 5pm on a Friday in the summertime. Notice I did not say it's a summer Friday because Complex forces us to turn out bangerz right up until the clock strikes 6, no matter how beautiful weather may be outside. And let me tell you, I haven't been outside in about seven hours. Like, my eye is twitching from the ignance in the comments of my Air Max Power Rankings and I don't know if I can stay in my cube for another hour. This is #content itis in full swing.
But then Universal Clothing (aka U Clothing) hit us with their F/W 14 lookbook and I got a second wind because this shit is wild fire. Yo, they straight up saved the day, so #bless up. I don't really fuck with check pattern much anymore because I'm not a lumberjack or a swagless dandy, but a charcoal/black rendition? I'm with it. It's abundantly clear U Clothing is a British brand with these dreary colors—nary a shade outside of navy, grey or black made the cut. However, some equally absent-minded and genius production assistant pushed the white hoodie through the cracks. Fortunately for us, it has a zippered sleeve pocket, so s/he shouldn't lose his or her job because sleeve pockets are scorching right now.