
With some university students returning to campus and others studying remotely this fall, Walmart teamed up with Complex to create four regional vignettes representing its College Shop. Whether you're back in the dorms or learning from home, these rooms show you how to personalize your living space and maximize your efficiency for academic success and even a bit of fun.

For the Midwest Business Major Back on Campus

If you’re the school business wiz, studying might not be enough to occupy your beautiful, ambitious mind, which is why you also play the stock market like a Wall Street whale. But with multiple priorities, you’re going to need the technology to juggle numerous responsibilities, while fueling all-night study sessions and storing all your gear efficiently.

If that’s the case, let this dorm room be your guide, as we’ve tricked it out with all the things you’ll need to stay on your grind, including laptops, tablets, extra monitors, and even food. These curated items will let you balance business with pleasure, and yes, even a little school. Read on and see how to go from student to head honcho, all before you even graduate.