Gravity Bongs In The Master Bedroom Hot Tub


This Wacko Maria fleece reminds me of North Face fleeces and North Face fleeces remind me of girls from wealthy families that host exchange students from Tokyo. Back in the day I knew this girl whose dad was a really successful real estate agent and she'd always throw parties in the houses he was showing. He sold McMansions in brand new suburbs, so there was always fully furnished model homes and most of the time she'd throw fairly quiet parties that involved, like, 10-15 people at most until this one time when like A TON of people showed up. I only remember this particular party because my boy and I bought several cases of Corona from another friend's older brother in the parking lot of a Wendy's and we flexed so hard when we showed up because we actually bought booze, but then I don't remember anything else except that we never heard from that girl again because her dad went to show the house and it was destroyed and, if the rumors are to be believed, someone left a gravity bong made out of a garbage bin in the master bathroom hot tub. GUESS WHO THE GUILTY PARTIES WERE? LMAO that's how you bring one of these tangents back around, fam. It must be fascinating to watch a true master at work.

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