Mr. Porter Does Not Like The Man Bun


We've dished on beards and mustaches already and provided a quick guide to fostering your own man bun, but you have Grace Dent to thank for taking up the mantle on behalf of Mr. Porter and writing a strict denouncement of the man bun. Guys, we're in the thick of the man bun era as we speak. This hairstyle hasn't seen such popularity since Gangis and Kublai Khan ran half the world or since samurais, no Pokemon, defended Japan. I don't know what it is, but the trend of men tying their hair up in a bun on top of their heads is hotter than Hansel himself.

For Dent, it gives off a certain aura that doesn't exactly flatter the wearer. Not because of the look per se, but this sense that they're too busy thinking deep thoughts or being sensitive and discussing what it really means to be a man in this day and age. More importantly, for a man bun to be feasibly styled, it has to be dirty and disgusting, filled with the leftover smoke from last weekend. She sums it up pretty well in one voracious quip: "Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal's man bun transforms him from bright-eyed jock to 'really serious dude who has probably been in a remote Ottawa cabin for five months preparing for a serious Method acting role in a film you’re too lazy to understand.'"

I mean, yeah, pretty much. Either that or "I don't have enough money for a haircut and don't particularly like showering." She brings it back to earth a bit and admits the effect of the man bun is similar to how women use makeup to give off a certain look. Could the era of the man bun be dwindling? Do enough people hate it? Is basic hygiene about to he HUGE?

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