Lionel Ritchie Lyrics Turn Discarded Objects Into Art for Molly Evans' "Lionel Stitchie"

Armed with yellow yarn and Lionel lyrics, this artist is transforming the garbage of Milwaukee.

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Molly Evans, a guerrilla embroiderer from the streets of Milwaukee, has been shamelessly turning rejected furniture into works of art using yellow “easy cheese” yarn and Lionel Ritchie lyrics. Her hilarious new series “Lionel Stitchie” has taken the Internet by storm.

Evans' work gives a voice to the voiceless, to the rejected objects that can’t speak for themselves. Her pieces are sweet and nostalgic, representing the changing of the times.

Evans is fascinated by the discards of college graduates, those who are moving on to new chapters in their lives. “I identified with this process of reestablishment and sought to call attention to this important narrative in progress all around the city,” Evans told Ignant

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[via HuffPost]

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