Kaufmann Mercantile, Your #1 Source For Unnecessary Everything


Add Kaufmann Mercantile to your bookmarks of stores that you will never buy anything from, but gawk at all of the coolness on display. When I want to kill some time I just go on this website and look at all of this unnecessary shit that if I had some money I would buy in a heartbeat just because. Honestly, you can’t say no to ANY of these products if they fit into your budget. Leather fly swatter? The steeziest way to handle pest control. Market & fruit picking pack? I get my raw organic berries straight from the source, bruh, so I need an appropriate receptacle. Selvedge denim apron? The only way I ever want to cook bacon with my shirt off. Don’t even get me started on the ridiculous keychain they have that's basically an impromptu robbery kit. I don't really have a use for any of these things considering I’m the kind of guy whose mom still cooks for him, but all this stuff would look tight as hell in my bedroom.

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