Is Paul Pierce Really Considering Retirement At the End of this Season?
The answer will shock you.
Maybe it's a case of reading too much into things, but yesterday, Paul Pierce was discussing with the media about tonight's game against the Nets being the last time his team visits New Jersey. Then, the Celtics captain dropped quite the bombshell. “Well, I figure this might be my last time anyway going to Jersey,” Pierce said. “This could be my last year playing.” Wait, what? Hold on. You're serious, man?!
Immediately afterwards, The Truth let out a laugh that probably clued people into believing that he was only joking around. But then Pierce followed that statement by saying, “You never know, man. I don’t know. I’ve got to preserve my body for the rest of my life.” Clearly in shock at this point, the C's forward was asked if this was all a ruse. He honestly responded, “I don’t know,” said Pierce. “I’ve thought about it. I don’t know. I’ve got to see how my summer goes with my kids.”
At only 34 years old, Pierce probably has a couple more good years left in him. And a couple hefty paychecks (he's set to earn $16,790,345 next season). He can't turn down all that good money coming his way, right? “Yeah, but I don’t play for the money,” Pierce said. “I took a pay cut, didn’t I?” he added with a smile. OK, we officially don't know what to think.
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[via Boston Herald]
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