Why Does Shane Warne Keep Posting the Same Selfie Again & Again?

Confusion reigns as cricket legend posts the same photo repeatedly on Instagram

It's no secret Shane Warne and social media have a complicated relationship with one another. He's a favourite of the trolls, a well-documented Tinder user, and is truly embarrassing on the 'Gram. 

Disciples of SK Warne's Instagram account are confused by the cricket champion's posting habits however, as he seems to have taken a shine to one selfie in particular, which has been posted a total of three times. Among the eye-rolling caption posts including "Life Is Too Short For Bad Vibes" and post after post of gratuitous pouting, sits the mysterious #crookedsmile-wrinkles-sideofthehouse selfie.

The Original Post

5 Weeks Later

4 Weeks After That

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