Please Adopt This 39-Pound Cat
The Animal Humane of Santa Fe wants you to have Meow.
April 23, 2012
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original
Meet Meow, the cat equivalent of a 600-pound human. Meow (a name so subtly clever it sent us running for the dictionary/assisted-suicide clinic) resides at the Animal Humane of Santa Fe, where her previous owner deposited her. Aged 87, that previous owner could no longer care for all 39-pounds of Meow. The previous owner also realized that though s/he had successfully fattened up the cat to optimal eating size, s/he could not lift Meow into the oven to slow roast her.
So, Meow needs a home. She's two, and vets say she is a serious health concern. Don't you want her?
[via KRQE]