Heineken Unveils Way to Secretly Gift Yourself Beer This Holiday Season
They call it BeerFriender.
We know you'd like to drink more beer this holiday season. Heineken understands this too, which is why they've come up with an ingenious method of getting beer in your hands more easily. No disapproving looks from in-laws and others, just beer for days.
They call it BeerFriender, and it works like this. You already know the Heineken BeerTender®, the easiest way to get draught Heineken in your home. It's a device you outfit with a Heinie draught keg (which contains around 20 beers) and voilà, cold beer on tap in the crib.
BeerFriender allows you to buy a BeerTender for yourself without anyone knowing. It's simple—the Facebook app connects you with another person who wants a BeerTender and you buy them for each other, as if they were gifts. It arrives gift-wrapped and with a card for maximum verisimilitude.
Check out the video above for the full explanation and be sure to check out Heineken's Facebook page to make a new, gift-giving friend.