Kim Kardashian Goes Bare Butt for "Paper"

Kim Kardashian's butt is front and center for this "Paper" cover.

November 12, 2014
Not Available Lead
Complex Original

Image via Complex Original


Kim Kardashian literally bares it all for the latest cover of Paper magazine. If you thought you’d seen all of Kim's killer bod before in this September's issue of British GQ, think again—this right here is Nicki Minaj "Anaconda" cover status.

The star covers the mag's appropriately titled "Break the Internet" issue and with pictures like this, there's no doubt Paper's site is going to crash soon. As a less vulgar option—one to make sure the issue doesn't get wrapped in plastic and placed next to the nudie mags at Hudson News—Paper dropped a second cover, which features Kim suggestively blasting champagne into a glass... that's resting on her ass.

Now all we need is for Kanye to tweet, "HEADING HOME NOW."



Also, before we go, one last tidbit of trivia—the champagne-spraying cover above is actually a recreation of a 1976 photo by Jean-Paul Goude, who also shot Kim's cover. Check out the NSFW original image below:



[via Paper]