Florida Mom Guilty of Robbing 3 Banks in 30 Minutes

A woman in Florida robbed three banks in less than 30 minutes to pay for her daughter's graduation party.

August 30, 2015
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A woman in Florida pleaded guilty this week to robbing three different banks in less time than it takes to get one pizza delivered.

Back in May, 50-year-old Cindy Carabeo, was charged with robbing three banks in a spree that lasted from 3:19 p.m. to 3:43 p.m. in Brandon, Fla., according to the Tampa Tribune.

Carabeo reportedly used a note to tell each of the tellers that she had a weapon and demanded cash. She made it home with more than $6,000.

Her reason? Carabeo reportedly told police that she needed the money to pay for a graduation party for her daughter.

Sheriff's officials said Carabeo was arrested within 15 minutes of arriving back home after the third robbery, which brings the whole incident in under a cool hour.

She now faces up to 20 years in federal prison.
