Today's Prenups Now Come With A 'No Twitter' Clause

Welcome to divorce in the 21st century, where social media is in the contract.

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It's officially summer and it's the time many of us start finding that warm-weather fling. However, often times that “fling” can flourish into the type of long-term relationship that you never saw coming. As the relationship grows, so do the chances of entering a legal agreement with your partner before you both can live happily in wedded bliss. Enter the Social Media prenup.

Each party will agree not to post, tweet, or otherwise share via social media, positive, negative, insulting, embarrassing, or flattering images or content of the other

According to New York-based attorney Ann-Margaret Carrozza’s recent interview with FOX, some prenuptial agreements now contain a clause that forbids each respective partner from posting about their now less-significant other on social media after the divorce. Carrozza states, "When they have this social media clause, each party will agree not to post, tweet, or otherwise share via social media, positive, negative, insulting, embarrassing, or flattering images or content of the other”.

This clause is meant to maintain the integrity of the other partner. As Carrozza explains, if someone should break the clause after the marital bliss is over, they are subject to a monetary sanction. In other words: if you post, you pay.

Regardless of the existence of the a prenup or not, why would people want to post about their now estranged ex? Whether you’re trying to remember the good times or you want to bash the other with embarrassing pictures, just do it with your friends over a bottle of Vodka like everyone else. 


[via Dazed Digital

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