This Teenager Got Into a Lot of Trouble After Tweeting a Fake Terrorist Threat

The aftermath of a teenaged girl used her Twitter account to anonymously forewarn of an Al Qaeda attack in June.who

Image via Deadspin

Things took a turn for the comic earlier today when a teenaged girl used her Twitter account to anonymously forewarn of an Al Qaeda attack in June. The tweet was directed at American Airlines, whose response and promise of an investigation sent the girl backpedaling rather hilariously.

@AmericanAir pls pls pls can I do something to make it good pls I'm so scared I'm just a 14 year old white girl I'm not a terrorist pls
Omg someone's knocking on the door. Maybe it's the FBI omgg
All those Americans are sending me hate messages, leave me alone. Go get some mcdonalds

[via Deadspin]

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