How People Use Emoticons

The science behind our online emotions.


 In 1982, when the Internet was still in its formative stages, Carnegie Mellon University professor Scott Fahlman "realized the need for a symbol to temper the bickering that plagued online forums." Thus the :-) was born. And as the Internet has evolved, so too has the emoticon. “Wherever the Internet went, the smiley face was there within weeks,” Fahlman says.

To better understand our e-emotions, Tyler Schnoebelen, who recently completed his Ph.D. in linguistics at Stanford University, analyzed millions of Twitter messages. An excerpt from his Q&A appears below.

Q: You found that about 10 percent of the tweets in your sample had emoticons in them. Why so many?

A: In a full paragraph, you might be able to express how you’re feeling. But it becomes harder in a tweet, where you only have a few words.

Q: What is the difference between people who use :-) and people who use :) ?

A: The people who use :) follow a younger set of celebrities. They swear more, and they use spellings like “sooooo” and “loooove.” 

Q: What about ;) ? Is it a flirt?

A: Yes, we can assume that. It tends to appear near words like “horny,” “attractive,” “hot” and “dirty.” It doesn’t occur near words like “pleasant” or “irritated.” The world of ;) is sexy. 

[via NY Times Magazine]

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