Don't Worry, Isaiah Triforce Johnson is Still In Line for a Wii U, Hurricane or No

Nothing will stop this man from being the first to buy a Wii U.


Isaiah Triforce Johnson was the first person in the U.S. to buy a Wii and a 3DS, and he's going to be the first to buy a Wii U, too. He started waiting in line almost two weeks ago at the Nintendo World store in New York's Rockefeller Plaza, and a god damned hurricane sure as hell isn't going to stop him.

That said, Kotaku reports that he didn't brave the storm outside. That would have been madness, and though Isaiah Triforce Johnson is certainly eccentric, we don't believe he's insane. At least, not yet.

Johnson apparently went home during the storm, assured that his spot in line would be held. That's assuming there's anyone else waiting to nab the first spot, but we digress. Then, on Thursday, he reportedly walked for three hours Brooklyn to get back in line. That's dedication, man, and we admire it.

Johnson told us that this stunt is going to be his last, so no doubt he's determined not to screw it up. What do you think of his exploits?

[via Kotaku]

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