Watch R. Kelly Prove He's R. Kelly To a Shirtless Drunk

A drunk guy doesn't believe he's with the real R. Kelly, so he challenges the R&B superstar to a sing-off.

Nothing good happens after midnight…except the possibility of running into R. Kelly outside a Nathan’s hotdog stand in Jacksonville, Florida.

This exact situation happened to the drunk guy in the video above, but the Four Loko pumping through his veins didn’t allow him to believe that he was actually with the real R. Kelly. So what is one to do in a situation like that? Challenge the “fake R. Kelly” to a sing-off, of course. Unfortunately for the drunk guy, this is in fact the pied piper of R&B. Fortunately for us, Kellz humors the guy and belts out the opening to “Bump N’ Grind” as the crowd collectively lose their shit. Watch the entire encounter above.
