QUIZ: How Well Do You Know Future Lyrics?

Test your knowledge of Future's finest lyrics.

PnP_FutureQuizLyrics (1)


PnP_FutureQuizLyrics (1)

One of the most common complaints about Future is that you can’t understand his lyrics. Allow us to offer an alternative explanation: you’re not listening hard enough, and you’re missing out on some gold in the process.

Because underneath the promethazine gurgles and Auto-Tune lies a heartbreaking tale of addiction and a bare-faced look into the life of one of music’s biggest stars. Future is painting his life’s picture with words, and if you’re dismissing them on the basis of intelligibility, you’re missing out.

So regardless if you’re a longtime fan or a lifetime hater, give our Future lyrics quiz a try to hear what he’s really saying.

Related: How Well Do You Know Drake Lyrics?

