15 Bizarre Quotes From Bradford Cox's Deerhunter Press Conference

Bradford Cox is a character. He likes to mess around in interviews, he likes to make outrageous claims, he seems to like building upon his own bizareness year after year. For the his primary band, Deerhunter's most recent album Monomania, Cox insisted that in place of one on one interviews, journalists attend a group press conference.

Of course, the numerous one on one interviews that have been released reveal that this group setting was just another strange stunt from Cox—which doesn't make it any less interesting. Over the course of an hour and a half, the Deerhunter frontman singlehandedly addressed myriad topics, taboo or otherwise. Here's fifteen of the most bizare and hilarious things he said.


2. Has he ever had sex?

3. Thoughts on press conferences and journalists?

4. How does he feel about being interviewed?

5. If Monomania is his favorite record so far?

6. Thoughts on The Ramones and Patti Smith?

7. Thoughts on Harmony Korine's latest movie, "Spring Breakers" ?

8. Belief systems he ascribes to?

9. Does he listen to current bands?

10. Is he inspired by current culture?

11. Interesting reactions based on his initials and last name, B.J. Cox?

12. Prized possessions?

13. Is Connie Lugpin a real person?

14. Goals for the press conference?

15. Other possible career paths?

16. Was he serious about his answers during the press conference?
