Fingers Crossed: A Pigeons and Planes Mix


Photo Credit: Brendan Rice (

My iTunes has a little section dedicated to mixes for P&P. I add and subtract from those lists for months before deciding to go forward with a final mix. I actually had one that was almost ready. So close. Then I see a bunch of you swines in the Shoutbox, demanding a summer mix. My mix was not a summer mix. In fact, there was one song on it about a snow owl. I don’t know what I was thinking. (Yes, I do. It was a bird-themed mix). Ugh, Confusion. Nobody cares about birds. Ironically, the summer mix has a bird on the cover. I didn’t even think about this until now. What’s wrong with me?

You guys were right. I should have just made a summer mix to start off with. Bird mix deleted. Summer mix made.

It seems like every summer, there’s at least one moment that you’ll miss forever. You’ll reminisce on Summer 2011 and wish you could travel back to some faded snapshot in your memory. As great as that moment was, it’s one of those things that you’ll probably look back on with a bittersweet feeling that makes your stomach turn, like you somehow let it pass by instead of grabbing it and holding onto it forever.

If you’re lucky, you’ll realize when you’re in that moment. If you do, just try to take it all in. There’s nothing you can do to make a moment like that better, just know that you’re in it, and let it happen. Maybe some of this music will be playing in the background.

I hope you have a great summer.

Hit the jump for the back cover and download links…

DOWNLOAD: Fingers Crossed: A Pigeons and Planes Mix

