New! Black Lips - Short Fuse

Here’s a new Black Lips song from the upcoming 200 Million Thousand. As you may have heard, the Black Lips recently had to make a quick retreat out of India. Drummer Joe Bradley explains:

Jared got jazzed up on whisky and started pumping up the crowd by cursing at them, getting them to repeat things like “When I say ‘weak-ass’, you say ‘bitch’! Weak ass?” “BITCH!” “Weak ass?” “BITCH!” The crowd was eating it up but I think we only ended up playing like, seven songs. Eventually things got really energetic and Cole mooned the crowd then proceeded to kiss Ian while Jared continued ramping up the crowd, which eventually led to him taking a running dive into the audience. Really, our tour manager was the only one freaking out. No one tried to put a stop to the show. We even told the crowd “Remember! there’s only four of them (security) and 150 of you.

Thanks to WeLikeItIndie and Vice

Black Lips – Short Fuse

