Video Shows British Woman Smashing Wine Bottles in Store Over COVID Precautions

A woman in Surrey, England went completely ballistic over social-distancing measures at a supermarket and broke a bunch of wine bottles as a result.

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A woman in Surrey, England went completely beserk after being informed of COVID precautions by supermarket employees and, in the process, perfectly demonstrated that freakouts over relatively minor coronavirus-related inconveniences aren't confined to any one continent. 

The resulting surveillance footage, which was posted by TMZ, is truly wild, and shows the unruly shopper ripping down two shelves of wine onto the floor below. After that, she smashes her hand against an employee shield and shouts “I’ve done nothing wrong!” before amending that statement by saying "Now I have!" 

Adding context to the incident, the New York Post reports that the incident went down at the Lingfield High Street Co-op grocery store in Surrey, and that it was ignited when the woman was reprimanded by staff for disregarding a one-way system intended to enforce social distancing. 

It should be noted that this bonkers flip-out actually occurred in May, but that it's getting coverage now because UK retailers are experiencing a rise in customers reacting angrily to COVID safeguards. 

In fact, these types of incidents have apparently become so common that the country's chains have asked their government to smack customers assaulting employees with harsher penalties.

As for this woman, she's been banned from the store (it would've taken some real hubris to walk back in there anyway). Also, local police say she was arrested for criminal damage and public order.

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