Chaos Erupts at Hearing Over Arizona's Mishandled Primary

Democrats and Republicans alike were extremely angry during a hearing to address the hours of waiting voters endured during the Arizona primary.

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The Arizona primary was not a good look for Arizona election officials. Thousands of people reportedly had to wait in insanely long lines to vote, some of them for up to six hours. As you might expect, a lot of people (think single parents, workers with jobs to get to, pretty much anyone alive) couldn't devote that kind of time to voting in a primary, which meant they left without their voices being heard at all. 

Also as you might expect, those people were pissed. Earlier this week, the Arizona legislature held a special hearing to address the screw-up, focusing mostly on one elected official, Helen Purcell, who is responsible for running elections in Maricopa County, the state's most populated area where those insanely long waits happened. Purcell also was responsible for cutting the number of voting precincts in the county from 200 down to 60. 

But it was when those voters who either waited in line or ended up not being able to vote at all had their turn to speak that their anger boiled over as you can see in the video below via

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