Sophoclean Work Ethic


A Kind of Guise calls this their "Sophokles blouson." Assuming you're a philistine, Sophocles was a pretty dope writer. Did you know he also was appointed to be a general? That's what we call a talented hyphenate. Most of you assholes are, like, account manager slash wannabe boutique branding and strategy firm founders. Sophocles helped lead a fucking military expedition right after he dropped Antigone. The last time I got something done on time for work, I spent the next week celebrating that I could accomplish simple tasks before I even thought about starting something else. You ask me to lead a military expedition after I write a few posts and I'm gonna tell you that I need at least three weeks to get my mind right. Shit, I couldn't even match Antigone's work ethic. SHE SYMBOLICALLY BURIED HER BROTHER TWICE. I would of just argued with my douchey uncle once and then realized burying my brother would entail going outside the city walls and I'd be like, "Fuck that. Where the grapes and wine jugs at?"

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