Food Forests


Damn, ts(s) fucking killed it with their S/S 15 collection. I know it's a fire collection because it's full of cardigan-based garments, like this chambray cardigan coat. This thing is so fucking great, you guys. I just want to wear this and wander through my imaginary food forest. What's a food forest? It's that type of ignorance that is gonna get all your houseplants confiscated by real plant enthusiasts. A food forest is an intensively cultivated area that incorporates wild plantings amongst food cultivars. Yeah fam, picture me just strolling in this dope ass cardigan jacket thing with a cool ass notebook and one of those pencils that you sharpen with a knife, inspecting my dope ass heirloom apple trees and paw paws and even some maple trees. God, I want a farm where I don't have to do any real physical work, but rather just waltz through picturesque fields.

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