If You Squint Hard Enough You Can See It


Normally, brandishing a tiger on a sweatshirt would be the corniest thing in existence (see: Kenzo), but it is possible for it to hit on the other end of the spectrum as well. Take this Maharishi pixelated tiger sweatshirt for example. It doesn't have a big cat the caliber of, say, Deron Williams's disgraceful panther tattoo, so it's definitely more acceptable. It really just looks like a discombobulated arrangement of colored tiles that just so happened to end up looking like a poorly constructed tiger mosaic. Who knows if Maharishi even meant it? Maybe the designers just started dropping tiles on the shirt and once they realized it looked a bit like a tiger just went with it. I remember when my mom was in a big DIY phase and she arranged all these random tiles and jewels on the border of a mirror and, if you looked at a section a certain way, you could see a certain subliminal formation resembling—that's right, you guessed it—a dick. So, every time I saw that mirror in the bathroom, I cracked a wry little smile and squinted to find said dick.

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