New Play in London to Examine the Arrest of Ai Weiwei

"#aiww: The Arrest of Ai Weiwei" promises to be a revolutionary work of art.

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Ai Weiwei is likely the most-discussed artist in the world. While some may know more about his political activism than his art, those who are most familiar with him know that the two aspects of his life are intertwined.

 In April 2011, Ai Weiwei was detained by the Chinese government. A new play, #aiww: The Arrest of Ai Weiwei, which opens at the Hampstead Theatre in London on April 11, examines his legacy in the context of this moment. Although he was released two months after his arrest, the story of what happened during that time has never been told. Author Barnaby Martin had a chance to speak with Weiwei and turn the unknown moments into a play. Martin says, "He went back through the experiences of his detention and recounted, in his inimitable English, the most incredible and bizarre story I have ever heard."

If you're in London, we recommend checking out the play in-person while you can.

[via ArtNewspaper]


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